
A wide variety of clubs are offered each term to pupils at St Matthew’s.  The links on the right will give more information about each individual club and how to book if it is coordinated by an outside provider.

The School offers an Early Start Club for children to attend and is available each morning from 8am to the start of the school day. The club can offer children a smooth transition for a better start to the day and offers peace of mind to those parents juggling working life with the morning school run.

Each session is supervised by 4 members of staff and is held in the New Hall where children can play games, interact with computers (supervised sites only) and build confidence by making friends with children from other year groups.

Some of the comments we have received from the children attending Early Start Club are:

“I like building with Lego, it is fun working together.”

“I like playing chess.”

“We like using the computers on Tuesday/Thursday.”

“I enjoy building with K.nex with my friends.”

The club is open for all year groups, from Reception children when they start attending school full time, right through to Year 6 children.

The cost for each session is £2 per child and can be paid daily, weekly, monthly or termly in advance. Please note: Breakfast is not provided.  Places are limited with applications being dealt with on a first come, first served basis.

If you wish for your child to join the Early Start Club please pop by the office to collect an application form.

Sports Clubs

We run a variety of Sports Clubs throughout the year. They can change on a termly basis to allow for variety and to provide opportunities for children of different age groups. In 2021-22, we have offered football, netball, squad training, dance, and running club.

Arts and Craft  Clubs

We run weekly art clubs for both KS1 and KS2. There is also a weekly sewing club for KS2 pupils.

Other Clubs

We run a zoom club, in which the children explore healthy living activities including cooking healthy food.