Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page.  This page provides you with everything you will need to know about life in Year 3. We hope you will find it useful, if you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 3 team.


  • 3TWB (Puffins) : Mrs Tibbits-Williams (M-W) & Mrs Bradshaw (Th,F)
  • 3P (Peacocks): Mrs Christian
  • Teaching Assistants: Mrs Patel, Mrs Stevens, Miss Jojo, Mrs Fogas


Children will have a reading book which they take home to read daily. Please read daily with your child where possible and comment or sign the reading record every evening. Children also have the opportunity to visit and borrow books from the school library each week. Once children finish reading a book they will complete a quiz which assesses their understanding. As they are reading please encourage them to talk about the story and imagine the scene to help develop their comprehension skills.


Children can earn Dojo points in a variety of ways eg for having a fantastic day, showing effort, for perseverance, for showing kindness and for completing homework. These link to our green cards which in turn lead to bronze, silver and gold awards. Every week we award a ‘star of the week’ and a ‘star reader’. These are children who have shone throughout the week in terms of learning or behaviour. Children will receive a certificate to take home with them in our celebration worship on a Friday. We will be using Class Dojo to share awarded points, photos and messages. Please check daily for updates.


Children are expected to read daily, to record this in their reading diaries which are signed by an adult. They are also expected to revise their 2,5, and 10 x tables, quickly moving on to 3,4 and 8x tables and corresponding division facts which they need to be able to recall at speed. Please help your child to find a quiet place and a suitable time to complete tasks and encourage them to complete their work. Dojo points will be awarded for consistent reading at home and for amazing effort with their homework. Recorders will be provided and children are asked to practice the skills they have been taught at home. They will have opportunities to perform during the year.


  • Named water bottle
  • Waterproof Coat


Your child can choose to have a school meal or packed lunch. It is worthwhile checking the weekly menu for the choices available. If your child is bringing a packed lunch to school, then boxes will need to be clearly labelled with their name. Anything your child does not eat will be kept in lunchboxes.


Children have playtime from 10:35-10:50. We advise children to bring a piece of fruit or vegetables to eat during this time as fruit is no longer provided.

School day

Registration        8:50am
Playtime             10:20-10:35am
Lunchtime          12:20-1:15pm
Hometime           3:15pm

Forest School

Year 3 will participate in forest school this year. Further information and a consent letter will be sent home before the first session.

They will learn new skills through a range of activities which are designed to build their communication and team work skills. Appropriate clothing and welly boots are essential.