
We held our Harvest Service in St Matt’s Church on Monday 7th October. The whole school came together to thank God for our food. Our Leading Lights led the Service and asked us to think about the food we have, where it comes from, and who is involved with it coming to our plate. We […]

New Entrants Tours

We are looking forward to welcoming new children to our school next academic year. If you have a child due to start school in September 2025, we would like to invite you to attend one of our New Entrants Tours. Come and find out all about St Matthew’s. To book a place on one of […]

Colour Run

COLOUR RUN 2024 For the first time ever St Matthew’s held their own colour run this week organised by the PTA. We had so much fun with Reception, Year 1 & 2 on Monday, Year 3 & 4 on Tuesday and Year 5 & 6 on Wednesday. We set up an obstacle course around the […]

Year 6 Residential

Year 6 had a great week at the Mendips Activity Centre. It was a full and fun packed week, with team challenges, kayaking, assault course, rock climbing, bushcraft, orienteering, tobogganing and archery taught by the Mendips instructors. As well as these organised activties, we spent the evenings on nightwalks, visiting the beach, playing wide games […]

Singing Festival

Our choir performed wonderfully at the Tunbridge Wells Primary School Singing Festival this week. This is a great opportunity to join with other schools to sing together in a proper theatre. Each school did their own piece and our choice was ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ and ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’. Thank you to Mrs […]

Book Donation

We are very grateful to the Tunbridge Wells branch of the Inner Wheel, who have donated 100 books to the school. As part of the group’s centenary celebrations, they are donating 100 things to local community groups. St Matthew’s were chosen and we are delighted to have a whole range of new books to enjoy. […]

Community Clear Up Day

What a fantastic effort by staff, children, parents and governors to make a huge difference to the school. The skip got filled quickly once we started sorting through the loft and clearing up around the grounds. Sheds were built, walls were painted, floors were cleaned, bookcases and cupboards tidied, trees cut down and litter picked. […]


St Matthew’s are really pleased to be able to share with you our SIAMs inspection report. Thanks go to the whole school community for the team effort to demonstrate all we do well at St Matthew’s. The outcome of the Inspection is what we wished for and states: ‘The inspection findings indicate that St Matthew’s […]

Pirate Ship

Following the installation over October half term, we were delighted to officially ‘launch’ HMS St Matthew’s. The PTA have worked tirelessly to raise the funds over the past couple of years to get this amazing piece of play equipment for our children. We are extremely grateful to each and every one who has supported the […]


The whole school walked down to St Matt’s church for our Harvest Service. Our year 6 children started our service linking our vision and values to the meaning of Harvest. Year 4 told the story of Ruth, and how at Harvest time the edge of the field was left by farmers so those who were […]